Partner Meeting No. 2

On the 19th of March, the HospiBot-team came to Aabenraa for their second partner meeting. The meeting was kicked off by a few welcoming words by the hosts Sabine Olsen and Trine Fredskild of the Hospital Sønderjylland. After a few words on organisational aspects, Prof Dr Oskar Palinko and his students gave everyone a run down on the status of the development of the mobile base.

Prof Dr Robert Wendlandt of the University of Lübeck continued the meetings with insights into the current payload development and was followed by Prof Dr Franziska Uhing and Miriam Pfau who shared their findings on how the interaction flow between nurses and patients could be improved and what influences the trust development in human-robot-interaction. Afterwards, Lina Behrends from the Fraunhofer IMTE talked further about the policy development. The meeting was closed with a small workshop on the testing plans for the robot by the hosts, Sabine Olsen and Trine Fredskild.

The HospiBot-team was excited to meet again in person after the first Kick Off Meeting last year and the open discussion on each topic brought up interesting angles or other aspects to consider to improve the development further. The team is already excited for the next meeting.

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