Lead Partner
The University of Southern Denmark is the leading partner of the project. The SDU is responsible for the development of the mobile robot, parts of the interface and parts of the use cases. Additionally, they will participate in testing the robot at partner locations and are involved in the policy discussion.
Project Partners
The Universität zu Lübeck is leading the payload development and participates in testing the robot, as well as in project meetings. The UZL will also be involved in the policy discussions.
The University of Applied Science Kiel is the leading force behind developing the user interface for the robot. Further, the University is responsible for the public relations of the project and will contribute to the testing.
The Fraunhofer IMTE drives forward the development of a policy document regarding mobile service robots in hospital settings, which includes the creation of guidelines for the use of robots in hospitals. Further, they take part in the testing and other discussions.
The SHS is taking charge in testing the robot with defining parameters, expected testing results and writing a report on the outcome of the testing period with the help of other project partners. Additionally, the SHS will also participate in discussions and meetings.
AllGoodSpeakers is working in union with the Universität zu Lübeck and the University of Applied Science Kiel on the payload development and user interface. AGS focuses on the speech interaction capabilities of the robot during the development.
The Sjællands Universitetshospital takes an active role in the testing of the robot at their hospital as well as participating in meetings, discussions and the development of the policy regarding the use of mobile robots in hospitals. Additionally, SUH also helps to define the use case scenarios for successful testing of the robots.
The Odense Universitetshospital participates in testing the robot at their hospital and joins in on discussions on the policy development for mobile robots in hospitals. In addition to this, the hospital is also taking part in the payload development.
The Centre for Clinical Robotics is a formal collaboration between the Odense Universitetshospital and the University of Southern Denmark. The CCR is fully dedicated to the research, development, testing, evaluation and implementation of automated solutions to support patients and staff and improve efficiencies.
Network Partners
Blue Ocean Robotics has an advisory role in the project, they participate in project meetings and policy development. With their years-long experience they offer valuable insight into technical as well as commercial aspects.
The University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein participates in project meetings and workshops, as well as offering access to their knowledge and expertise regarding project management, medicine and clinical and surgical robotics. Additionally, the UKSH joins in on the development of the policy regarding mobile robots in hospitals.
UXMA participates in project meetings and workshops as a network partner and offers great advisory potential with their expert knowledge regarding user experience design. Their expertise will be especially helpful for the user interface design.
The BG Klinikum fulfills an advisory role regarding how robots can be useful at smaller healthcare institutions. They provide valuable feedback on practices in the use of robotics from outside the program region. Additionally, they participate in project meetings and workshops.
Assono participates in the project as a network partner at meetings and workshops. The company brings their valuable expertise in artificial intelligence and chatbots to the project. Assono gives advice to the development teams of University of Southern Denmark, Universität zu Lübeck and University of Applied Science Kiel, thus actively supporting the teams in implementing AI solutions for creating smarter and more interactive robots.
With their hands-on expertise with robots, Giobotics will support the team as a network partner. Giobotics will participate in giving feedback to the development process.
Essential Robotics is a startup focusing on building service robots for hospitals. They will work with us on the design of the mobile robot platform, to the benefit of both the project and company.